Holliston Interfaith Thanksgiving Service

First Congregational Church 725 Washington Street, Holliston, MA, United States

Come join us for an interfaith Thanksgiving service at First Congregational Church in Holliston! Exsultet! will be performing with the following: First Congregational Church St. Michael's Episcopal Church Christ the King Lutheran Church Fatima Shrine Temple Beth Torah Simcha Services

Sing Heigh-ho! unto the Green Holly!

First Congregational Church 725 Washington Street, Holliston, MA, United States

Poster for our December Concert Featuring our children's choir, Jubilate! December 1st, 7:30 PM First Congregational Church 725 Washington Street, Holliston, MA Advance Ticket Prices: $15 - ages 13-64 $12 - ages 65+ Ages 12 and under admitted for free. Not suitable for children under age 5 Tickets will be available at this website starting […]

Exsultet! Auditions

First Congregational Church 725 Washington Street, Holliston, MA, United States

Auditions for Exsultet! will take place on Wednesday, August 28, from 7:30-9:00 pm at First Congregational Church, Holliston. The audition piece is "See amid the Winter's Snow". Please learn your preferred voice part and be prepared to rehearse and sing it in a quartet. If you have any questions, please visit our Audition FAQ page! […]

Jubilate! Auditions

First Congregational Church 725 Washington Street, Holliston, MA, United States

Jubilate! (yoo-bih-LAH-tay) is looking for new members! The audition will be done as one large group on Wednesday, September 11, 2019, from 6:30-7:30 at First Congregational Church, 725 Washington Street in Holliston. We will also hold open rehearsals/auditions on Wednesdays September 18 and 25. Interested singers must be between the ages of 9-15, be able […]

All the Magic, All the Music

Allin Congregational Church 683 High Street, Dedham, Massachusetts

Featuring our children's choir, Jubilate! Saturday, December 14th, 7:30 PM Allin Congregational Church 683 High Street, Dedham, MA Advance Ticket Prices: $15 - ages 13-64 $12 - ages 65+ Ages 12 and under admitted for free. Not suitable for children under age 5 Tickets will be available at this website starting November 1. Tickets will […]

Our Favorites – Holliston

First Congregational Church 725 Washington Street, Holliston, MA, United States

We will be performing the following pieces: Ally Bally Bee And Can It Be? Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy Dear Theodosia Dirait-on Down to the river to pray For Good Hail Holy Queen Mister Sandman Oye Sigh No More, Ladies Siyahamba The Seal Lullaby Umi Sono Ai